Inland Empire Teen Challenge Walk for Recovery

Fundraising Progress

Top Fundraisers
Ticket Sales$ 16,545.00
Kevin Mooney$ 12,150.00
Brian Pedersen$ 7,444.00
Steve Peake$ 5,700.00
Mike Sena$ 3,855.00


Top Teams
Team NameAmount
Ticketsales$ 16,545.00
Stroll, strut & striders$ 3,000.00
The Bear Den$ 2,105.00
Soles 4 Christ$ 840.00
Arturo Dominguez$ 500.00

This year, our walk will be both virtual and on location in Riverside. Choose one or both!
Register for Riverside Walk


Donate to Riverside Walk (no walker)

Walk Information


Saturday, September 14, 2024
Check-in at 7:30 am
Walk at 8:00 am


Hunter Hobby Park
1401 Iowa Ave.
Riverside, CA 92507
More Information: (951) 683-4241

Shirts will be available for sale on the day of the event for $10 on a first come first serve basis.

Inland Empire Teams


Inland Empire Fundraisers

Our Sponsors

Clearwater Pipeline, Inc.
Pampered Pet