Orange County Walk for Recovery

Fundraising Progress

Top Fundraisers
Shane Parr$ 32,113.00
Silvia Kim Olsen$ 2,500.00
Daniel Delgado$ 500.00
Daryl Schwenke$ 235.00
Susan Chavira$ 200.00


Top Teams
Team NameAmount
Olsens$ 2,500.00
Calvary Chapel Life$ 500.00
Orange Walkers$ 0.00

This year, our walk will be both virtual and on location in Orange County. Choose one or both!
Register for Orange County Walk


Donate to Orange County Walk (no walker)

Walk Information


Saturday, September 28, 2024
Check-in at 8:30 am
Walk at 9:00 am


William R Mason Regional Park
18712 University Drive
Irvine, CA 92612
More Information: (714) 835-8822

Orange County Teams


Orange County Fundraisers

Our Sponsors