Amanda Lejeck

Also Walking
Bryan Lejeck

Hi Friends and Family, Our 5K Walk for Recovery is right around the corner. Teen Challenge has brought restoration and healing to tens of thousands of men and women trapped in drug and alcohol abuse and hope to their loved ones. I have the privilege of serving at Kern County and I see the evidence of Gods hand at work every day. Captives find freedom, marriages are restored, loved ones reconciled, and families are rebuilt. I am asking if you can please partner with me to help raise funds for this ministry anything helps and I am truly grateful. The Crisis is Real and Teen Challenge has the Answer.

Current Supporters

Anonymous$ 100.0006/28/2024
Michelle Guidotti$ 20.0006/28/2024
Kelly Prophete$ 100.0006/29/2024
Shannon Lemen$ 25.0007/10/2024
Anonymous$ 100.0007/12/2024