Dave Mills

Also Walking
Dave Mills

The last few years has been an extremely trying time and we know it is a difficult to

ask for a donation but when you support Teen Challenge, you help men and women

escape life-controlling addictions through the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Teen Challenge is a free one-year in house Christian based program that without

donors like you could not exist.

As a graduate of Teen Challenge and now an employee, I see

that the world needs a program like this now more than ever. Please click on

the link to support our Walk for Recovery September 24, 2022 at Hunter Hobby

Park in Riverside.


No donation is too small. It is all our responsibility to support programs like these that change lives just like it did for me.We appreciate the support for Teen Challenge.Thank you for your support and prayers.

Dave and Susan Mills

Current Supporters

Anonymous$ 500.0004/28/2024
Kevin Quinn$ 250.0008/19/2024
Judy Takano$ 100.0008/19/2024
Michael Malone$ 500.0008/19/2024
Anonymous$ 50.0008/19/2024
Heidi Poon$ 20.0008/19/2024
James Perkins$ 200.0008/19/2024
Jennie Mikels$ 50.0008/19/2024
Dennis Pratt$ 25.0008/19/2024
Anonymous$ 100.0008/20/2024
Cheryl Kinsman$ 500.0008/21/2024
Julie Lerner$ 50.0008/23/2024
Sandra Ramirez$ 200.0008/28/2024
Anonymous$ 500.0008/28/2024
Josh Lewis$ 500.0008/31/2024