Angie Montoya

Hi, my name is Angie! I am currently working with Kern County Teen Challenge. My goal is to raise funds to keep the doors open for our center. The word of God says the harvest is ripe! I am committed to come along side women and remind them of their true identity in Christ and challenge them to grow and mature in the Lord. Teen Challenge has been a life changing experience for me. My time here as staff has been very rewarding to see the light come on in the students faces and witnessing the transformation in their lives. So, I'm asking for help and support from the community to make this happen. Any kind of donation will be greatly appreciated! Blessings!

Current Supporters

Dawni Wood$ 100.0006/10/2024
Carly Holmes$ 50.0006/10/2024
Kathryn Barter$ 25.0006/10/2024
Wendy Lohse$ 25.0006/10/2024
Randell Allen$ 100.0006/13/2024
Nakia Komush$ 25.0006/14/2024
Chris Mcfarlane$ 25.0006/15/2024
Patricia Lovato$ 100.0006/17/2024
Randell Allen$ 100.0006/27/2024
Randell Allen$ 100.0007/10/2024