Michael Rodriguez

Hi everyone ,

The journey the Lord has had me on for the past 2 1/2 years pursuing the Lord and His plan for me in my life has been filled with trials, test. And temptations to overcome. But because the Lord loves me and all his children he has also filled my life with a huge family of brothers and sisters in Christ. I was blessed to be able to come into a close relationship with the God through the ministry of teen challenge. Through staying obedient and standing by my convictions as a man that now walks as a son of light and not as a child lost in darkness. I can testify to the glory and greatness of God that he has so graciously enabled me to witness, in my life and on the lives of those brothers and sisters that at one time just like myself we’re bound by the chains of addiction. We have been set free from our bondage. I’m here trying to raise funds for the next man who desperately is seeking peace that only God can give. By supporting TC Walk for recovery you will be providing the much needed funds to be able to help the next child of God receive a safe place to stay , while they to can pursue a close personal relationship with God. Please help support Gods family with a loving and compassionate heart posture of giving. Thank for your time and contribution to a worthy cause. May the Lord of all creation bless you always as you bless his children.

Matthew 24:40 “And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.“

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