San Diego Teen Challenge Walk for Recovery

Fundraising Progress

Top Fundraisers
Macie Tawney$ 610.00
Kevin and Jessica Haney$ 500.00
Jorge Pedroza$ 500.00
Alec Newman$ 500.00
Helen Smith$ 450.00


Top Teams
Team NameAmount
Tawney Crew$ 610.00
Team Haney$ 500.00
God`s Children$ 200.00
Harvest Time Church$ 100.00
Avengers of Addiction$ 0.00

This year, our walk will be both virtual and on location in San Diego. Choose one or both!
Register to walk in San Diego


Donate to San Diego Walk (no walker)

Walk Information


Saturday, September 7, 2024
Check-in at 8:00 am
Walk at 9:00 am


NTC Park, Liberty Station
2455 Cushing Rd.
San Diego, CA 92106
More Information: (619) 265-0337

San Diego County Teams


San Diego County Fundraisers


Pathway Church
Toby's Candle and Soap Shop
Karen Bucher

Rayo Wholesale Floor Covering Supply
Del Mar Pizza
Mike Stein